Тitle, name and surname: Drago Cvijanovic, Ph.D.
Academic position: Full Professor and Science advisor
Research field: Management and business
Office number: 2
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Time of consultations: Tuesday: 11-13h
Curriculum vitae: CV-српски; CV-english
Date and place of birth
- 03.1960 Orahovica, the municipality of Lukavac, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Undergraduate studies
- University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, graduated in 1981
Master studies
- University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, master’s degree in 1986
PhD studies
- University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics, phD in 1993
Professional experience and part-time work
- Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, 1981-1984
- Agricultural Cooperative „Izvor“ Žagubica, 1984 – 1985
- „Fabrika odlivaka Žagubica“ Žagubica, 1985-1987
- SOUR PIK „Požarevac“ Požarevac, 1987
- Institute for Agricultural Mechanization, 1987-1991
- Maize research Institute „Zemun polje“ Zemun, 1991-1996
- „Dahlia“ Zemun– Belgrade, 1996-1997
- Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Belgrade, 1997-2000
- Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, 2000-2015
- Institute of Agricultural Economics and „Nedić- Agrar“ AD Bočar, 2003-2004
- The Belgrade Banking Academy, Union University, 2007-2009
- Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, 2011-2013
- University of Defense, Military Academy, 2013-2020
- University of Business Studies (UPS) Banja Luka, the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2007-2020
- Slobomir P University, Bijeljina, the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2015-2016
- Bijeljina University, Bijeljina, the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013-2022
- Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, University in Kragujevac, 2015 –present
Acquired title
- Status of Research Associate obtained in 1987
- Status of Scientific Associate obtained in 1994
- Status of Senior Scientific Associate obtained in 2001
- Status of Science Advisor obtained in 2006
- Status of Associate Professor obtained in 2007, Union University, Belgrade
- Status of Associate Professor obtained in 2011, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad
- Status of Full professor obtained in 2014, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bijeljina
- Status of honorary professor obtained in 2014, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Stavropol, Russian Federation
- Status of Full Professor obtained in 2015, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, University in Kragujevac
University in Kragujevac, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja (2015 - present)
- Marketing in tourism (bachelor level)
- Rural tourism (bachelor level)
- Marketing of sustainable development (PhD level)
UNION University, Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade (2007-2009):
- Principles of Marketing (bachelor level)
- University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture (2011-2014):
- Marketing in tourism (bachelor level)
- Tourist market (bachelor level)
- Business ethics and communications (bachelor level)
- Marketing in rural tourism (master level)
- Market in rural tourism (master level)
- Communication skills (master level)
University of Defense, Military Academy, Belgrade (2013-2019):
- Business analysis (bachelor level)
- Marketing services (bachelor level)
University of Business Studies Banja Luka, The Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2007-2020):
- Management of small and medium enterprises (bachelor level)
- Management of research and development (bachelor level)
- Marketing and public relations (bachelor level)
- International marketing (bachelor level)
University of Bijeljina, Bijeljina, The Republic of Srpska,Bosnia and Herzegovina (2013-2020):
- Market and marketing of agricultural products (bachelor level)
- Economics of Agriculture (bachelor level)
Slobomir P University, Bijeljina, The Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2015-2016):
- Marketing management (bachelor level)
- Management of Human Resources (bachelor level)
Research interests
- Economics of Agriculture,
- Market of agricultural and food products,
- Rural and sustainable development,
- Tourist market,
- Marketing in agriculture and tourism,
- Rural tourism.
- Cvijanović, D., & Ignjatijević (2017). Exploring the global competitiveness of agri-food sectors and Serbia's dominant presence: emerging research and opportunities. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Business Science Reference.
- Cvijanović, D., Ignjatijević S., & Milojević, I. (2016). Economic indicators for the competitiveness of the Serbian economy in the Danube Region. Belgrade, Serbia: Center for Economic and Financial Research.
- Cvijanović, D., Mihailović, B., Čavlin, M., & Čavlin, G. (2015). Impact of marketing consulting on performances of agrarian clusters in Serbia. Sustainability, 7(2), 1099–1115.
- Cvijanović, D., Ignjatijević, S., Vapa-Tankosić, J., & Cvijanović, V. (2020). Do Local Food Products Contribute to Sustainable Economic Development?. Sustainability, 12(7), 2847.
- Paraušić, V., Cvijanović, D., Mihailović, B., & Veljković, (2014). Correlation between the state of cluster development and national competitiveness in the Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum 2012–2013. Economic Research, 27(1), 662–672.
- Cvijanović, D., Trandafilović, S., & Imamović, N. (2013). Marketing concept in terms of agricultural enterprises development in transitional countries. Economics of Agriculture, 60(1), 113–
- Cvijanović, D., Sekulić, D., & Pavlović, D. (2018): Are green hotels suitable for the development of entrepreneurship in tourism?. Ekonomika preduzeća, 66(7-8), 424–433.
- Cvijanović, D., Radović, G., & Vojinović, Ž. (2017). Significance of the sustainable development of rural tourism in the Republic of Serbia. Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej, 351(2), 94–107.
- Cvijanović, D., & Mihailović, B. (2012). International marketing as a factor of export competitiveness. Economics of Agriculture, 59(1), 161–163.
- Cvijanović, D., & Gajić, T. (2018). Development of rural tourism in north Banat research of the perseption of the local population. In J. Subić et al. (Eds.), Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization Within the Danube Region - Support Programs for the Improvement of Agricultural and Rural Development. Thematic Proceedings (pp. 198–215). Belgrade, Republic of Serbia: Institute of Agricultural Economics.
Project involvement
- Macroeconomic and social development program of the municipality of Srpsko Orašje,
- Macroeconomic development program of the local community of Bočar,
- Development program of the municipality of Mali Zvornik,
- Revitalization and improvement of flower production,
- Development strategy of the municipality of Mionica,
- Development strategy of the municipality of Beočin,
- Development strategy of the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- Strategy for the development of agriculture, nutrition and rural development of the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- Strategy for the development of agriculture in the Tuzla Canton for the period 2009-2013,
- Strategy for the development of agriculture in the city of Belgrade until 2015,
- Agriculture development strategy of the municipality of Pančevo,
- Land reclamation „Kolubara“, mining basin, Lazarevac,
- ОN 149007 – Multifunctional agriculture and rural development in the function of the inclusion of the Republic of Serbia in the EU,
- Strategy for the development of agriculture and rural development of Serbia 2010-2020,
- Sustainable Rural Development Strategy of the City Municipality of Obrenovac,
- Study on the state of irrigation and the possibilities of applying the results of the Project ENORASIS - ENORAISI platform in the territory of AP Vojvodina and the Republic of Serbia,
- Strategy for the development of agriculture and rural development of Lajkovac in the period 2011 – 2015,
- Sustainable development strategy of the municipality of Vrbas,
- Sustainable development strategy of the municipality of Bač,
- Sustainable development strategy of the municipality of Bački Petrovac,
- Sustainable development strategy of the municipality of Bačka Palanka,
- Sustainable development strategy of the municipality of Žabalj,
- Sustainable development strategy of the municipality of the City of Sombor,
- Report on the monitoring of the implementation of the project of raising apple orchards and building a cold store,
- Previous feasibility study of the Srem regional water supply system,
- III 46006 "Sustainable agriculture and rural development in the function of achieving the strategic goals of the Republic of Serbia within the Danube region" (research period 2011- present),
- Competitiveness and comparative sustainable development of Istra and Kolubara District,
- Transnational integrated management of water resources in agriculture for the european water emergency control. SOUTH-EAST EUROPE “SEE” TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION PROGRAMME - PROJECT «EU.WATER». European Territorial Co-operation 2007 – 2013,
- Solutions and interventions for the technological transfer and the innovation of the agro-food sector in south east regions. SOUTH-EAST EUROPE “SEE” TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION PROGRAMME - PROJECT «TECH.FOOD». European Territorial Co-operation 2007 – 2013,
- ТEMPUS Project 544543: Modernization and Harmonization of Tourism study programmes in Serbia (MHTSPS),
- Revision of the Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy of the Municipality of Lajkovac in the period 2016-2025 ,
- Empowering entrepreneurs in agriculture and tourism by analyzing the habits of consumers of agricultural products and examining quality and safety, 2018-2019,
- Analysis of the tourist potential of protected natural assets in the territory of the City of Novi Sad, 2020,
- Green infrastructure: Analysis of the possibility of expanding green corridors in the territory of the City of Novi Sad, 2021,
- The impact of the pandemic caused by the COVID 19 virus on the increase of income in rural tourism, 2022,
- Development of the concept of smart use of the Begečka jama nature park, 2022.
Organization membership
- A member of the Balkan Environmental Association (B.E.N.A.)
- A member of The European Association of Agricultural Economists (Е.А.А.Е.)
- A member of the Belgrade Association of Agricultural Engineers and Technicians
- A member of the presidency of the Scientific Society of Agrarian Economists of the Balkans (NDAEB).