Vladimir Senić, Ph.D.

Тitle, name and surname: Vladimir Senić, Ph.D.
Academic position: Full Professor
Research field: Management and Business Administration
Office number: Dean’s Office 
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office hours: Tuesday: 10-12h
Curriculum vitae: CV-српскиCV-english



Vladimir Senić was born on September 10, 1977 in Trstenik, Serbia. He completed elementary school and the first three years of Gymnasium in Kragujevac. Upon finishing junior year in Gymnasium, he continued his education in the United States where he completed senior year in Dutch Fork High School (Irmo, South Carolina). He continued his education at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, where he earned B.Sc. in Business Management in December 2000 graduating with Magna cum laude honors. He earned his M.B.A. in International Business also at the University of Utah in 2002. During his undergraduate and graduate studies he was recognized on a number of occasions by the Dean of the David Eccles School of Business, as well as by the President of the University of Utah. He was a recipient of David Eccles Fellowships.

Upon completing his graduate studies he returned to Serbia, where he was employed by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) during 2002 for employee training and preparing reports on implemented activities. Also, in 2002 he got hired by Italian consulting firm Eurecna Srl, Venice, which was implementing a project financed by the European Agency for Reconstruction in the Šumadija District.

Since March 2012 he is employed with the Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja. In a period between 2005 and 2012 he was employed with the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, where he earned his Ph.D. degree in Economics during 2006. The scope of his scientific work and interest is related to issues in the domain of management and marketing of service-based organizations.


  • Services Management (undergraduate)
  • Marketing Management (undergraduate)
  • Crisis Management in Hospitality and tourism (graduate)
  • Managing Tourist Resources with GIS (PhD)

Research interests

  • Services management
  • Services marketing
  • Consumer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Service quality
  • Geographic information systems (GIS)


  • Marinković, V., & Senić, V. (2011). Patient Satisfaction: a Case of Serbian Student Polyclinics. In B. van der Rhee & L. Victorino (Eds.), Advances in Service Quality, Innovation and Excellence (pp. 720-729). Ithaca, New York, USA: Center for Hospitality Research, School of Hotel Administration – Cornell University.
  • Marinković, V., & Senić, V. (2012). Loyalty patterns in corporate banking: insights gained from analysing willingness to recommend and share of wallet concepts. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence23(11-12), 1465-1478.
  • Marinković, V., Senić, V., Kocić, M., & Šapić, S. (2013). Investigating the Impact of SERVQUAL Dimensions on Satisfaction and Loyalty: the Lessons Learnt from Serbian Travel Agencies. International Journal of Tourism Research15(2), 184-196.
  • Senić, V., & Marinković, V. (2013). Patient care, satisfaction and service quality in health care. International Journal of Consumer Studies37(3), 312-319. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1470-6431.2012.01132.x
  • Marinković, V., Senić, V., & Mimović, P. (2015). Factors affecting choice and image of ethnic restaurants in Serbia. British Food Journal117(7), 1903-1920. https://doi.org/10.1108/BFJ-09-2014-0313
  • Mariknović, V., Dimitrovski, D., & Senić, V. (2017). Going for gold as a leisure tourism continuum: clustering motivations for gold panning revisit intention. Leisure Studies36(6), 764-777.
  • Dimitrovski, D., Senić, V., Marić, D., & Marinković, V. (2017). Commemorative events at destination memorials–a dark (heritage) tourism context. International Journal of Heritage Studies23(8), 695-708. https://doi.org/10.1080/13527258.2017.1317645

Project involvement

  • Marketing research as support to interdisciplinary project titled “Pre-clinic studies of bioactive substances”, Serbian Ministry of Education and Science - Contract Nо.: PIBAS 41010.
  • Modernization and Harmonization of Tourism study programmes in Serbia; Project ID: 544543-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR

Organization membership

  •  Serbian Marketing Association, member
