Тitle, name and surname: Aleksandra Radovanović, PhD
Academic position: Associate Professor
Research field: English Language
Office number: 11
Е-mail: aleksandra.radovanovic@kg.ac.rs
Time of consultations: Monday: 11h30min-12h30min; Wednesday: 12-13h
Aleksandra Radovanović was born in Kruševac in 1976. In Vrnjačka Banja she has completed elementary and secondary school gaining the reward “Vuk Karadžić” for excellent results. She graduated form the Department of English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philology, Priština University, in 1999. After graduation enrolled the Faculty of Philology, Belgrade University and defended her Magister’s thesis (in the filed of Language Science) in 2008. She has extensive experience in the field of translation. In 2005, she was elected a court interpreter for the English Language by the District Court in Kraljevo. She started her teaching career in 1999 as a secondary school teacher in Gymnasium Vrnjačka Banja where she worked as an EL teacher until 2013. In 2013, she stared working at the Faculty of Hotel Management in Vrnjačka Banja.
- English Language 4
- English Language 2
Research interests
- Comparative linguistics, semantics, ELT
- Радовановић, А. (2012), Динамички модали must и have (got) to у енглеском језику и њихови еквиваленти у српском језику, Наслеђе, вол. 22, ФИЛУМ, Крагујевац, стр. 239-247. [ISSN 1820-1768]
- Радовановић, А. (2012), Импликације теорије вишеструке интелигенције у настави страног језика, Иновације у настави, XXV, Учитељски факултет, Београд, стр. 130-134. [ISSN 0352-2334 UDC 159.922.7-056.31]
- Радовановић, А. (2012), На маргинама модалности: глагол ought to у енглеском језику и његови еквиваленти у српском језику, Узданица, IX/2, Факултет педагошких наука, Јагодина, стр. 145-157. [ISSN 1451-673X UDK 811.111'367.625]
- Radovanović, A. (2012), Dvostruki modali u primerima britanskog engleskog jezika, Zbornik za jezike i književnost Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, кnjiga 2, стр. 123-137. [ISSN 2217-7221 UDC 811.111'367.625]
- Radovanović, A. (2013), Introducing ESP in GE Classroom: Reasons and Implicatiоns. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching English for Specific Purposes, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Serbia, p. 320-326 [ISBN:978-86-6125-080-4]
Project involvement
Organization membership
- English Language Teachers Association